


    ♦ Mounts in Industry Standard Holes.

    ♦ True stable digital Sensor with High Accuracy (Rh - 1.7 % and Temp- 0.25°C).

    ♦ Field selectable 4- 20 mA / 0-10 VDC output with RS 485 Com. for BMS.

    ♦ Wireless Communication available.

    ♦ Various Model Available Like Duct Mounted/Wall Mounted and Flame proof.

    ♦ Standard Range : [RH] 0 to100 % and [Temp] - 20 to + 60°C.

    ♦ 2 Wire Loop Powered and 4 wire Connection available.



    ♦ Mounts in Industry Standard Holes.

    ♦ True‐stable Digital Sensor. with High Accuracy (Rh ‐ 1.7 % And Temp 0.25 *c).

    ♦ Field selectable 4‐ 20 Ma / 0‐10 V dc output with RS 485 Com. for BMS.

    ♦ Rs 485 and wireless Communication available.

    ♦ Various Model Available Like Duct Mounted/ Wall Mounted and Flame proof.

    ♦ Standard Range ‐ RH‐ 0...100 % and Temp ‐20... + 60 *c.

    ♦ 2 Wire Loop Powered and 4 wire Connection available.

► Input

Medium - Air and non‐combustible gas

Range - Temp : ‐20....60 *c & Humidity ‐0...100 % (Programable)

Power Supply - 15 ~ 35VDC(2 wires)

Accuracy - Temp : +/‐ 0.25 *c and humidity : +/‐ 1.7 % Accuracy

OP. Temperature Range - ‐40 ~ 70°C.

Electrical Consumption - <45mA.

Sensor Protection - Membranes filter

Communication Output - Rs 485 Or Wireless (RF).

Output Signal - 4‐20mA / 0‐10 v DC(2 wire Or 4 wire).

Response Time - Field adjustable 0.5~15s.

Zero and Span adjust - Digital button with led indication Or Computer

Electrical Connection - 2.5 sq mm cable terminal.

Pressure connection - duct Mounted : 150 mm Or 300 MM.

Protection class - Ip65 / FLP / Clean room (SS).

Enclosure Size - 120 mm X 70 mm